

I am sure that all of you want to know about Sarawak, RIGHT!!!

Actually there is evidence of Sarawak are among the earliest human settlements since BC, about 40,000 years ago. Such as are discovery of pottery and human bones burial container. In the 10th century to the 13th century M, Sarawak was under the Srivijaya authority. This factor enables migration of Malays from Sumatra to Sarawak and open settlements in Santubong. At that point, Santubong is the most important center entrepot port in the Nusantara. It is evidenced by the discovery of Chinese vase from the Han Dynasty in Santubong.

The downfall of Srivijaya authority during the 13th century M has opened the path to the Majapahit authority to dominate Sarawak. Before arrival of the Majapahit prince who is Raden Menteri Dipati Jepang or known as Datu Merpati Jepang, he was married to the Permaisuri Datu which is a daughter of Raja Jarom Jawa at Johor before moved to Sarawak. This marriage has growth up  Malay descent are more popular with the title 'Abang' and has handle the important positions in the administration such as Datu Patinggi, Datu Bentera and Datu Temenggong during the reign of the Brooke in Sarawak.

In the 19th century, Sarawak was under the control of Brunei. But chaos is happening causes by the Governor of Sarawak who is Raja Muda Hashim has called on the British to overcome the chaos. In return, James Brooke will be appointed as the Governor of Sarawak on 24 September 1841.

The death of Brooke's in 1868, which was later replaced with the Brooke's nephew which is Charles Anthony Johnson Brooke and next is his son Charles Vyner Brooke. When under the reign of the three kings, a lot of advantage that Sarawak obtained through Islamic chief and local tribal. This reign was happen about a hundred years and popular as the ‘Raja Putih’ (White rajas) and have a status comparable to the kings of India in the British Empire. On 8 February 1946, Vyner Brooke had to cede Sarawak to the British had increases the spirit of nationalism exists among resident of Sarawak for autonomy.

When the proposal the formation of Malaysia forwarded to Sarawak, initially it opposed by some political parties that seeking independence first. But some political parties in Sarawak such as the Sarawak National Party (PANAS) support the formation of Malaysia, followed by the other parties. It was affiliated with Sarawak National Party (SNAP) Sarawak Barisan Rakyat Jati (BERJASA), the Sarawak Chinese Association (SCA) and the Party of Sarawak Duty Son (HERITAGE) merged in 1962 forming the Sarawak Alliance Party supports the formation of Malaysia.

Only the Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) directly against the establishment. By join the Malay Peninsula, which indirectly liberate Sarawak and Sabah, besides they can shelter from federal politics. By the official with Sarawak into Malaysia on 16 September 1963.

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